Environmental Testing
EUROAMERICA provides an extensive range of Environmental Chambers, Shakers, Seners and DAS for testing against the elements.
Extreme Environment Test
This type of test consists of simulating extreme work conditions to ensure that components will meet the necessary safety and reliability standards in order to perform daily activities as is required. Simulated environments are generally high/low temperatures, humidity, vibration and altitude.
Extreme environment testing is critical in the development process for automotive and aerospace components and systems. By testing components and systems under specific conditions engineers can identify and fix any potential problems before they cause a failure in the real world. Some applications of extreme environments in Automotive and Aerospace components are listed below:
Some applications of extreme environments in automotive and aerospace components are listed below:
Engine: to assess its behaviour in extreme heat or cold temperatures
Brakes: to rate their performance in wet or icy conditions
Suspension: to evaluate its performance on rough roads

Wings: to evaluate their performance in high altitudes
Engine: to assess its behavior in extreme heat or cold conditions
Testing an aircrafts landing gear: to observe how it performs on rough runways